Staff throughout the District continues integrating technology into the curriculum. Over the summer, many faculty members participated in technology focused on service opportunities, in preparation for the upcoming school year.
Staff throughout the District continues integrating technology into the curriculum. Over the summer, many faculty members participated in technology focused on service opportunities, in preparation for the upcoming school year.
Rye High School
At the High School, the Writing Mentor program will be offered for students in grades 9-11 this year.
Seniors will have the opportunity to participate in the Senior Internship program and explore new career paths, learn from mentors in their fields of interest.
The Science Research program continues to expand with more students requesting the course.
High School students are also continuing to work on a civility initiative. The “Be the Change” committee plans to host a different theme or event each month in cooperation with the faculty to celebrate and encourage strength in character.
Rye Middle School
The Middle School will be offering American Sign Language, as a pilot program this year.
Rye Elementary Schools
Throughout the summer K-2 teachers met to develop units of study as they continue implementation of a readers’ workshop model in the elementary schools. This initiative will continue with grade 3-5 teachers, who will begin their work with the consultant this fall. Science 21 will introduce new and revised units at the first-grade level.