To the Editor:
I’m writing to respond to your opinion piece of May 10, 2024, “Tuning in to Watch ‘Let’s Make a Deal.’”
The Rye City Council’s consideration of a $3 million donation from a private donor group to install a synthetic turf field at Nursery Field was a very controversial matter with good people and strong emotions on both sides. There was a prolonged debate and Rye citizens had an ample opportunity to voice their views. On May 1, the City Council voted, and the issue was settled.
I am confident, after months of engaging in extensive conversations with my colleagues, that all council members on both sides of the Nursery Field issue voted their conscience. I do not believe that the Democrats on the Council voted as they did because of Democratic party pressure. I do not believe my Republican colleague Keith [Cunningham]’s vote was in any way influenced by pressure from the Republican party, and I can state categorically that my vote was not. We just don’t operate that way.
After all the discord over the Nursery Field issue, it is time for the community to come together and move on.
Bill Henderson, Rye City Council