There wasn’t an empty seat at Nugent Stadium the night of June 16. “Fans” —parents, grandparents, siblings — arrived early to cheer on the “home team”, in this case, the members of the RHS Class of 2023.
The 92nd Annual Rye High School Graduation Ceremony began with its distinctive processional over the bridge. A musical interlude floated over the field while faculty, School Board officials, honored guests, and seniors made their way to their seats.
Principal Suzanne Kelly Short welcomed the crowd before congratulating the graduating class on reaching this milestone. “Your grade has learned, grown, and thrived through challenging years,” she noted. I am proud of each of you for all you have accomplished and all I know you will achieve.” She encouraged the departing seniors to “take a breath today and enjoy the moment!”
There were a number of fine orators that night, starting with Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eric Byrne; Latin scholars Cassandra Brook, Oliver Meier, Alessia Pedrazzoli, and Lucas White, who gave new meaning to “veni, vidi, vici”; Ayden Hufford, who delivered the senior oration; Salutatorian Charlotte Langer; and Valedictorian Cassidy Pagen.
Cheers to the 240 members of the Class of 2023, “who conquered high school.”

– Photos by Alison Rodilosso