On June 20, Rye Neck High School celebrated its 128th commencement. They honored 139 students, 83 of whom were National Honor Society members. The Class of 2023 performed over 22,636 hours of community service, participating in Midnight Runs hosted by neighborhood churches, Toys for Tots, and the Polar Plunge, volunteering in post-Hurricane Ida clean-up efforts, and assisting the Larchmont Mamaroneck Hunger Task Force.
Rye Neck continued its treasured tradition of bringing back a 10-year graduate as keynote speaker. In her remarks, Alyssa Vinzons, class of 2013, focused on the importance of being able to adapt to every situation. Vinzons is a nurse at New York Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital where she cares for children with heart diseases in the Pediatric and Infant Cardiac Intensive Care units.
“Life is never linear,” she began. “Go into your next chapter with an open mind, take advantage of opportunities presented to you, practice selflessness, and know who your support people are for when you find yourself stuck in a rut.” Vinzons added, “Good and bad things are going to happen. We just have to learn to handle both with grace.”
In the words of Salutatorian Nathaniel Findlay, the class of 2023 “is comprised of the most dedicated, intelligent, and most importantly, kind-hearted people to form a community.”
Valedictorian Chelsea Wang encouraged her classmates to seize the day. “It’s our time to realize and explore the things that mean something to us. I hope this world makes it easy for you to choose happiness. I hope this world is gentle and nurturing to you. Instead of being successful, be generous. Instead of being regretful, be thankful. Instead of being nice, be kind. Above all, have kindness for yourself.”
The RNTA Memorial Scholarship, the only award announced at graduation, is given in honor of all Rye Neck staff who have passed on in recent years. The senior who receives this award must possess the qualities Rye Neck teachers hold dear: motivation and self-direction, an energetic commitment to learning, a belief in the value of service, and an understanding of the role that leadership plays in the success of the group. Congratulations to this year’s recipient, Daniella Pirrone.
Before handing out diplomas and shaking each graduate’s hand, Superintendent Dr. Eric Lutinski said: “You are now on the brink of a brand-new journey, one with significant differences from the last. You’ll pack some usual things for this trip, like excitement and a little fear. You’ll bring the academic knowledge, athletic and artistic talents, social skills, and life lessons acquired from your time here with us. But each of you also begins this new hero’s journey with your own ambitions and potential.”

– Photos courtesy of Lifetouch Pictures