Handel’s “Messiah,” in all of its glory
More than 250 years after the single most profound and the greatest oratorio ever written by mankind, Handel’s masterpiece “Messiah” still awes performers and listeners all over the world.
While many of the great works written by some of the greatest geniuses of the past are getting fatigued, Handel’s Messiah seems tirelessly to be getting more global attention and attraction, both by the performers and listeners as time passes. As a matter of fact, it is estimated that more than several hundred thousand performances of Messiah are performed during the Christmas season; from major concert halls of the world, to all the churches, big and small. Christmas season and the renowned “Hallelujah” chorus seem to go hand in hand, as it can be heard everywhere, even at a mall by a flash mob. The “Hallelujah” chorus, although is the most famous piece within the oratorio, is only the tip of the iceberg of the masterpiece Messiah in its entirety. It is absolutely astonishing that the entire oratorio did not even take one month for Handel to compose. Handel is said to have remarked that it was the Holy Ghost which grabbed his hand and started to dance on top of his manuscript, and that indeed it was God who wrote it. Could this be the reason that “Messiah” became the single most important, most performed, single most powerful piece ever written?
The very first 30+ premiers of the performance of Handel’ Messiah in Dublin, Ireland, were to benefit the poor, hungry, and orphans who were in desperate need. This tradition continues to this day, and Central Presbyterian Church of NY (“CPCNY”) is following this tradition to help the community and the less fortunate. Through last 11 years of performances of Messiah at venues such as Colden Center, CPCNY has been helping the community as well as abroad, donating to earthquake victims, missionaries all over the world, soup kitchen, and many charities who have served the community.
It is this lifelong vision of the Senior Pastor of CPCNY, Rev. Jae Yeol Kim, that brought CPCNY to where we are, and on behalf of Rev. Kim and the entire congregation of CPCNY, we welcome and invite everyone in the community to come together in this joyous and magical celebration of Christmas. 2019 Handel’s Messiah & Christmas Carol Sing-Along will be held at Central Presbyterian Church of NY, located at 154 Old Westbury Rd. Old Westbury, NY on Sunday, December 8th at 4pm and also at the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College on Saturday, December 14th, at 8pm.
The conductor, Byung-Kook Kwak was the concertmaster for the Westchester Symphony for over 25 years and taught at the Westchester Conservatory for over 25 years as well. He is coming back to his second home, Performing Art Center at Purchase College with CPC Choir for this performances with world renowned soloists.