City to Update Veterans Monument
The Veterans Memorial Monument, which sits outside City Hall, will be updated for the first time since the 1980s, thanks to the combined efforts of the mayor and City Council, Tim Moynihan of the American Legion, Rex Gedney the Landmarks Advisory Committee, and the City Clerk’s office. The aim is to include all Rye veterans who have served in the military on the city’s memorials and monuments.
To include a veteran, contact the City Clerk’s office at 914- 967-7371 or email at
Rye Schools Receive Recognition for Music Education
The Rye City School District has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. Now in its 25th year, the Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in providing music access and education to all students.

“Music education plays an integral role in the development of our students. In addition to fostering academic skills like critical thinking, it promotes social growth through teamwork and collaboration,” said Tyler Schwirian, the RCSD Music Department Coordinator.
New Junior Member of Rye Conservation/Advisory
Ella Froah, a junior at Rye High School, has been named to the city of Rye Conservation Commission/Advisory Council as a junior commissioner for 2024-25. Froah will serve through 2025.
At the same ceremony, Leo Roth, the 2023-2024 junior member, received recognition for his year of service and accomplishments on the CC/ AC.
“The CC/AC created the Junior Member position in 2021 as part of a focused effort to reach out to young residents. We are thrilled to be entering our third successful year with this initiative,” said Tracy Stora, commission chair.

Facilitating Furniture Donations
Finch & Co, an interior design studio and retail store on Purchase Street, recently announced a partnership with Furniture Sharehouse, Westchester’s only Furniture Bank, to encourage customers to donate used furniture to those in need.
Furniture Sharehouse connects donations of gently used furniture from Westchester residents with those living in furniture poverty. In so doing, the nonprofit also keeps pounds of bulk out of the waste stream.
All items slated for the Furniture Sharehouse have to meet the charity’s guidelines, which focus on smaller items for apartments and those that are easier to transport. “We’re making this a cornerstone of our business plan to repurpose all we can for these families who also deserve beautiful new homes,” said Bets Miller, co-owner with Michelle Sriubas of Finch & Co.