Indian Village residents Donna and Scott McElwee lived with their 1980s Formica countertop kitchen for years, but not happily. When their friend, designer Sue Joyce, moved back to town, Donna decided the time had arrived to tackle the kitchen.
“We couldn’t entertain in our old kitchen, and with both our sons now married, our family was growing,” explained Donna.
What Donna wanted was a spacious island where they could eat and converse, two dishwashers, a knockout blue and white mosaic tile at both ends, better flow but not full-on flow to the dining room, more storage, and an inconspicuous place for a television.
What Scott wanted was his own cabinet in which to store “his stuff” so they ordered ready to install cabinets.
Unlike most married couples, they both got what they wanted.
“I didn’t go for bells and whistles,” said Donna, “but I did want this feature tile. To fit it in the budget, we used ordinary subway tile on the other walls.”
Sue brought the kitchen into the future by building an island that can comfortably seat six, tucking a TV above the wall oven, replacing the counters with a granite countertop installation, removing the bay window and installing two separate windows, and mixing hardware finishes. “Brushed brass doesn’t show fingerprints and it adds warmth,” she said. You can also achieve all of this when you seek professional kitchen remodeling solutions.
“I think I answered all of Donna’s seating, flow, and function desires.” Sue went above and beyond by also making Roman shades for the new windows.
When Covid-19 hit and the whole family was home, there was space for everyone to eat at the island, and they happily did.
“If our boys have their way, we’ll be having holiday dinners at the island,” quipped Donna.
- Robin Jovanovich