In one of the final scenes of the Cohen Brothers cinematic masterpiece, No Country for Old Men, two Texas lawmen discuss the crumbling values in America. Tommy Lee Jones, who portrays a West Texas sheriff wonders if today’s society of youthful exuberance, fashion style and language has passed him by. Both men wish for a simpler time when pragmatism and the rule of law was a fabric of daily life, but they realize that the era they live in has little place for relics.
Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts has devoted 43 years of his life to public service. Serving as a congressman for much of his political career, then recently becoming a Senator when he replaced the vacant seat left by Secretary of State John Kerry in 2013. Markey, 72 like so many men of his generation served his country during The Vietnam War.
We now live in the moment of political circus, with a President who makes one outlandish statement after another and left-wing activists who support legislation that would bankrupt the greatest country in the world. Practical ideas and discussions amongst peers that best serve this nation now reside in a museum. Opposing opinions are pure evil.
What is an old white man in government to do when his peers no longer seek his sage advice?
Being passed over is a terrible feeling no matter your age, but when new congresspeople steal the national spotlight with far fetched dreams that do more harm than good, the question arises do I join or try to beat them?
The Green New Deal was introduced on February 7th, 2019, by Senator Ed Markey and Representative Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez. In ten years, planes would cease to exist, renewable energy will power all homes and buildings, and every American would be given a paycheck, regardless of your will to work. These are the greatest hits of a piece of legislation that would cost the taxpayer 93 trillion dollars over the next decade.
What if a family wanted to take a vacation to Europe? What about a funeral that takes place across the country? Frankly why work if your greatest escape takes place on Acela, NYC to DC in 3 hours, Yay!!!
On March 25th The Green New Deal was shot dead on the Senate floor by a count of 57-0 with 42 Democrats voting present. If you can’t explain to your constituents how we will pay for this, vote present. When swarms of children activists accost an 81-year-old senator from California and demand she vote for a bill that would make us the laughing stock of the western hemisphere, vote present. When energy experts explain, we would need to raze the land mass of both California and Texas, to implement wind turbines and solar panels to power the nation, you got it, vote present.
The cool kids needed a ride and someone with an ID to buy the beer at the local convenience store. Senator Ed Markey had no idea that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would be behind the register when he attempted to join the “In Crowd.”