As Rye residents and environmental advocates, we are writing to express our support for Danielle Tagger-Epstein as a champion of the environment, here in Rye and beyond. We’ve had the opportunity to interact or work with her in Rye and it’s clear that she loves and understands the need to protect her community’s beautiful green spaces and coastline.
Danielle’s record of protecting Rye’s natural assets is not a recent one. She is a lifelong environmentalist.
It has been a welcome and refreshing aspect of working with Danielle that she is utterly genuine. What you see is what you get with her and her support for Rye’s natural assets has been substantive and unwavering, not just in an election year. She has worked tirelessly for years to support the environment as Councilmember and Rye citizen, most notably as Council liaison to both Rye Sustainability Committee and Conservation Commission Advisory Council.
Danielle was an advocate of the enormously successful Food Scrap Recycling program from its inception. She registered with the program from the very beginning and continues to voice her unwavering support to this day. As Councilmember, she was also a Rye Healthy Yards advocate and helped launch the Branching Out for Rye Tree Fund that paved the way for Rye to regain its Tree City status.
For years, Danielle has advocated for sensible legislation that protects our open spaces and residents, including updates to the tree ordinance and rock chipping law, as well as more substantive zoning laws through an updated Master Plan.
With an eye to making Rye more climate-friendly, Danielle enthusiastically endorsed Rye’s membership in Sustainable Westchester. And as liaison to the Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee, she advocated for more pedestrian-friendly policies, including LED streetlights and safe streets.
What we value most about Danielle is her respect — for both the people of Rye as well as our town’s precious open spaces. As a Councilmember and liaison, she has been a responsive representative, encouraging an open dialogue and exchange of ideas.
For these reasons, we support Danielle as an environmental champion, as well as one who deeply understands and respects her community.
— Patti Capparelli
Gretchen Crowley
Sue Drouin
Sara Goddard
Linda Mackay
Colleen Margiloff
James Ward