It was a shock to read Robin Jovanovich’s message about her imminent departure from the paper. I thank her for giving our town an outstanding paper for so many years. As a truly local paper, The Record binds our town together. It is a good, informative, and fun read.
It is enjoyable to read about our sports teams, weddings, garden and other club events, City Council meetings, town history, and all the local happenings. The Record’s coverage adds luster to each matter covered and gives each group more substance. Pictures of cars piled on top of one another after the last hurricane remind us that the hurricane really happened. The letters to the editor provide a sounding board for different views. How would anyone new run for office without the ability to reach voters through the Record?
Without the Record, we will miss: (a) the thrill of seeing pictures of our children and grandchildren in the paper — be it for a Little League win, role in a school play, or Halloween window painting; (b) the political news and analysis of city budgets from Tom McDermott that are critical to residents, most of whom cannot attend City Council meetings that regularly end after midnight; and (c) the coverage of key issues and challenges facing us: flood control, the loss of significant trees, and property taxes, among them.
In sum, it would be a deep loss to Rye if the Record cannot be continued. A purely digital version would never have the same impact. I hope Robin can sell it for a good price but, if not, there must be an alternative. Would families and businesses pay an annual subscription fee? Could the paper become a not-for-profit foundation with seed money from local real estate firms and others?
We have the talent and creativity in this town to do it. Don’t let The Rye Record become an historical postcard to be discovered by some future Paul Rheingold.