I was dismayed and disappointed to see City Council candidate Josh Nathan’s
unbecoming attack on his rival Jana Seitz for her volunteer involvement on the citizen committee to advise the new management of Playland, Standard Amusements. Far from serving to advance that company’s financial interest, a citizen advisory group will appropriately represent those of Rye residents in monitoring a firm which will be under County contract to operate Playland. Ms. Seitz’ involvement in no way represents advocacy for the firm itself, whose management will go forward by court ruling.
In her admirable role as a leader of Edith G. Read Sanctuary, which directly abuts Playland, Ms. Seitz has all the more reason to be involved in the citizen group. To imply that she is advancing the financial interests of Standard Amusements is an unjustified criticism. As an attorney, Mr. Nathan should know better. As a candidate, he should not have stooped to this sort of negative campaigning. He has given Rye residents a good reason to support Jana Seitz for City Council.
- Howard Husock