We, as a community, were shocked and horrified to hear of the act of racist vandalism committed at Rye High School on May 12, 2021. We, as Rye organizations who interact with youth in our city, want to speak loudly and clearly that we condemn hate in all its forms. Racism and discrimination have no place in our community.
We, as a group, denounce this action and all other forms of hatred, discrimination, racism, and bullying. We abhor the mistreatment of our BIPOC community members. This single act is a symptom of a larger cultural issue that the community needs to address together. We will not stop our anti-racism work until our BIPOC community feels safe and welcome in the City of Rye.
With Commitment,
The City of Rye Human Rights Commission
pRYEde Community Group
Rye Coalition for Change
Rye Youth Council
The Rye YMCA
The Rye Free Reading room
Port Chester/Rye NAACP
We will continue to update this statement. If additional organizations want to sign on in support, please reach out to one of the signatory groups.