The Audience Stayed for Dessert:
It’s hard to top Monty Woolley’s portrayal of the insufferable Sheridan Whiteside in the 1942 film “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” which was based on the 1939 Kaufman and Hart hit play,
It’s hard to top Monty Woolley’s portrayal of the insufferable Sheridan Whiteside in the 1942 film “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” which was based on the 1939 Kaufman and Hart hit play, but Ross DeMarco, in the title role, had audiences laughing out loud at the Rye High School production last weekend. As the love interests, Sarah Jautz and Sam Rukeyser nailed their roles. As Lorraine Sheldon, the glamorous actress, Rachel Lachaga gave a star turn.
Hats off to Director Leanne Janos and the rest of the stellar cast: John Arenas, Luke Calderone, Jake Coccari, Julia Cardillo, Kate Clark, Caroline Dailey, Penny Deen, Peter Keller, Kristina Marchand, Dan Millard, John Minio, Caroline Mullooly, Hayley Orr, Zoe Patterson, Natalie Pugliatti, Katrina Roth, Sophie Sackstein, Josh Sandler, and Kaitlyn Zion.
— Photos by Anne and Joel Darelius