A new collaboration between Yale University and The Osborn brings an educational opportunity from one of the world’s most prestigious universities to Rye.
A new collaboration between Yale University and The Osborn brings an educational opportunity from one of the world’s most prestigious universities to Rye. The Osborn and Yale Alumni College will present the first of a series of six-week University-level courses beginning March 9 at The Osborn, part of the community’s commitment to lifelong learning.
Open to the public, as well as Osborn residents, ”The Mystery of Sleep,” taught by sleep expert Dr. Meir Kryger of Yale, will answer many of the questions surrounding the primal need for sleep, the complexities of sleep, sleep disorders, and even where our dreams take us. Given that most of us will sleep 20 to 30 years of our total time on Earth, the topic isn’t something to take lying down. If you’re curious about your dreams lately, why not learn about instances such as that dream about getting shot.
Dr. Kryger, the author of more than 200 research articles and book chapters, is also the chief editor of the most widely used textbook in sleep medicine; and he is recognized as being the first to diagnose and report obstructive sleep apnea in North America. “The Mystery of Sleep” is expected to be the first of many offerings at The Osborn from the Yale Alumni College, the organization’s first foray into Westchester County.
“We are thrilled to partner with Yale Alumni College to bring discussions about some of the most interesting and innovative topics to our very own campus,” said Osborn CEO Mark Zwerger. “We know it is a unique partnership that will benefit residents and the Westchester community at large.”
The weekly 90-minute classes will be held Monday evenings from 7-8:30 in the Osborn Auditorium. The cost is $150. Space is limited and advance registration is required. Sign up at www.YaleAtTheOsborn.org.