If you’d like to dine al fresco with a great group of seniors, sign up for SPRYE’s July 10 luncheon overlooking the Sound at American Yacht Club.
If you’d like to dine al fresco with a great group of seniors, sign up for SPRYE’s July 10 luncheon overlooking the Sound at American Yacht Club. The cost is $24 per person. Email director@sprye.org for details.
On July 16 from 3-4:30, SPRYE is hosting a free lecture at Wainwright House that will give attendees a whole new appreciation for art. Retired educator Ellen Freeman of Mamaroneck will share her experience as a docent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She will discuss the development of her own expertise regarding a myriad of art collections she had the privilege to work with at the largest art museum in the country. Refreshments at 3, program begins at 3:15.