The number of families in our area relying on food pantries continues to increase.Many families depend on free meals at school and donations of food to make sure their children do not go hungry.
The number of families in our area relying on food pantries continues to increase.Many families depend on free meals at school and donations of food to make sure their children do not go hungry. The need for donations becomes even greater during the summer when school is out. That’s why, for the past eight years, The Children’s Hope Chest (CHC) has hosted an annual food drive in June.
Since its inception, CHC has donated more than $250,000 in local food pantry support. This year, more than 30 volunteers, ranging in age from 9 to 17, will be at the Stop and Shop in White Plains June 16, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. They’ll be collecting food for donation to the Port Chester Carver Center and Neighbor to Neighbor in Greenwich.