The reason you’re seeing pink ribbons all over town is that last week SOUL RYEDERS launched its 4th annual TieTheTownPink breast cancer awareness campaign. The local nonprofit invites everyone in the community to serve and support families affected by breast cancer and join in the fight against the disease by making this month Pinktober in Rye.
Last year, Rye merchants and homeowners in Rye, Rye Brook, and Rye Neck ordered over 750 ribbons and volunteers festooned mailboxes, front doors, benches, and trees.
SOUL RYEDERS is hoping to break that record this month.
Ribbons cost $25. Order yours today at For more information, email
SOUL RYEDERS is a volunteer-driven charitable organization based in Westchester County, that is committed to empowering those in our community who are affected by cancer. From diagnosis through treatment, recovery and survivorship, SOUL RYEDERS offers practical resources and nurturing support services that provide dignity, confidence, hope, and compassion.