10/10 Construction work on Columbus Day holiday reported, Forest/Green avenues, 9:49 a.m. Work stopped.
10/10 Caller from Milton Harbor House stated construction truck had been idling in front of home near Old Milton Road for approximately one hour. Upon arrival, truck engine was shut off, but unit was on “in order to keep piece of material at certain temperature.” Moved to another location until 8 p.m.
10/9 Must get old. Trucker advised he was stuck at Playland Parkway bridge, needed help backing up. RPD assisted.
10/9 Incessant dog barking reported, Fairlawn Street. No answer at door. Barking seemed to have stopped.
10/9 Never … Caller reported construction work on Sunday. Advised no work allowed.
10/9 Probably not the best choice. Uber driver called 911, stated passenger refused to get out of vehicle, 12:06 a.m., BPR. Upon arrival, passenger exited vehicle peacefully, refused to give information other than “John”.
10/8 Kracked. Caller reported gray Jeep was driving around village area throwing eggs. Driver had mask on, plate started with “K”. Canvas conducted, negative results.
10/8 Silt Stocking District. Assisted vessel stuck in mud behind Wainwright House. Towed back to Marina.
10/8 Walk-in complainant reported Midland Avenue house was egged.
10/8 S.O.S. Captain’s Lane caller stated two vehicles were stolen from his residence, 8:58 a.m.
10/7 Collared. Purchase Street pet bakery owner reported she received prank calls from kids, who were then running into the store yelling, then running out. Officer got in touch with parties involved and had them return to store where they apologized to owner who did not wish to file a report.
10/6 Intoxicated party, Peck Avenue/Station Plaza, 10:57 p.m.
10/6 Let’s play two. Rye Rec, 11:33 a.m. Caller stated a dog was in locked red Subaru. Caller was also concerned about mom/nanny yelling at child. Spoke with caller who advised dog owner had returned to vehicle. Spoke to other party who said she raised her voice out of concern for her grandchild’s safety. All in order.
10/6 Vehicular & Traffic complaints, Florence/Park avenues, 7:46 a.m. Multiple warnings issued.
10/5 Boat was taking on water at marina. RFD responded. Water was being pumped from boat. Owner notified.
10/5 City Code violation, construction work on Yom Kippur, Milton Road/Oakland Beach Avenue.
10/4 Thick book. Complainant reported a large pothole in Forest Avenue. Entered into red book.
10/4 Caller stated his gray Jaguar’s door was ripped off by another vehicle. Information exchanged.
10/4 Walk-in reported dog bite on Nursery Lane.
10/4 Recycled. Report of gray van with lights on parked in front of complainant’s house, Harbor Terrace Drive/Hix Avenue, 12:26 a.m. Was limo driver getting rest from driving all day. Moved to DPW lot.
10/3 Caller stated vehicle had been parked by Highland Hall for three to four weeks. Vehicle was legally parked.
10/3 Leaf blowers reported in use, Theodore Fremd Avenue, 8:38 a.m. Summons issued.
10/3 Hot Beemer, no doubt. Caller reported strange white BMW SUV circling neighborhood with individuals possibly exiting said vehicle and entering driveways, Reymont Avenue, 12:34 a.m. Canvassed, GOA.
10/2 Caller reported females yelling, screaming, High Street. All quiet upon arrival.
10/1 Complainant stated large group of people were on her Old Post Road property and in the street as well, 11:05 p.m.
10/1 Eighth Circle of Hell. Walk-in reported she received scam call which led to her giving parties $9,500.
9/29 Complainant reported “rude” deer in roadway, refusing to move BPR/Playland Parkway, 7:16 a.m.
9/30 Caller reported car blocking her Locust Avenue driveway. Summons issued.
9/30 Caller stated two female youths around age 12, were banging on glass of Purchase Street pet bakery, cursing at employees. GOA.
9/30 Postal carrier reported being chased by possibly rabid coyote, Dalphin Drive/Hix Avenue. No coyote observed; carrier not on scene.
9/30 Coyote sighting, Rye Rec, 1:42 p.m.
9/30 Party was sleeping in white Toyota, Nursery Lane, 6 a.m. Party was taking break from overnight Door Dash deliveries. Advised it was private property.
9/29 Caller reported coyote in area of BPR/Orchard Avenue, 3:08 p.m.
9/28 Caller stated party was being confrontational over missing tools in Marriott lobby. Black male wearing red hat, blue shirt, gray pants was wanted in regard to larceny.
9/28 Nutcracker Sweep? Caller stated someone damaged her window, Walnut Street. Small crack in window did not seem suspicious.
9/28 Zillions. Caller reported she saw coyote cross Milton Road near Parsons Street into someone’s yard.
9/27 Greenburg PD advised they had party in custody with warrant for Rye jurisdiction whom they would drop off.
9/27 One way to keep it safe. Lindbergh Avenue caller stater he had locked both sets of keys in his Audi. RFD dispatched.
9/27 NYS Police reported male with dark hoodie running on Playland Parkway, 3:50 a.m. Second call requested unit check of I-95 exit 19 for male in dark clothing walking, 4:01 a.m. Individual was walking home; transported to Harrison train station.