1/13 Woods Lane complainant advised that her neighbor’s dog was getting off the leash. She wanted to document incident.
1/13 Stoneycrest Road resident claimed she heard gunshots on water by Read Sanctuary. WCPD notified.
1/13 Male party reported threatening text messages. Advised to file sworn statement.
1/12 Delivery truck hit parked construction vehicle, 14 Parsonage Point.
1/12 Two 911 calls for MVA at Peck/Midland avenues. EMS dispatched.
1/11 We’re all tired of “remote”. Caller stated all her windows were down when she returned to her vehicle, Claremont Avenue. Windows had been opened via remote; party stated she might have accidentally hit the button.
1/11 A real humdinger. Caller reported loud buzzing at corner of Forest Avenue/Manursing Way. Audible hum upon arrival, unknown source.
1/11 Caller reported MVA in front of Grandview Avenue house. Hannigan’s took possession of both vehicles.
1/10 Marriott employee stated guest was intoxicated, wandering halls, causing disturbance. Transported one male to Greenwich.
1/10 Caller reported deer carcass left by “wild animals”, described gruesome scene, Glendale Avenue. DPW foreman on scene.
1/10 Alarming. Rear door alarm, Brookdale Place, 3:38 a.m. Observed unsecured rear door, entered residence with backup, set off alarm. Found residents asleep in bed. Walked out of house and found resident awake at front door.
1/9 Loud music reported in vicinity of Florence Avenue residence, 1:13 a.m. Spoke with homeowner who agreed to lower music.
1/8 Parting is such…see ya! Caller reported male and female teenagers having verbal argument, BPR/Playland Parkway. Situation resolved and parties went separate ways.
1/8 No way, not touching this one, folks. Caller reported man waving Trump flags in front of Rye Middle School, 2:39 p.m. GOA.
1/8 On 1/7, officer observed male attempting to remove flag from tree on MTA property at Station Plaza. Advised party tree was owned by MTA, and permission was needed to remove or place signs. Gathered party’s information, notified Detective Division.
1/8 People putting blue flags on McCullough Place between HQ and post office. Advised them to use private property only.
1/7 Caller reported group of teens on bicycles interfering with traffic and cursing at motorists, Apawamis/Forest avenues, 4:15 p.m. Area canvassed, negative results.
1/6 Maple Avenue party believed his father lost his phone at his residence and someone picked it up; phone ping came back indicating New Rochelle location. Owner advised to call NRPD for more assistance.
1/6 Man reported on the ground, Elizabeth/Purchase streets.
1/6 Unknown person drove onto Palisade Road property, 4:39 p.m.
1/6 Complainant having problem with patron in Starbuck’s.
1/6 MVA, North Street/Old Post Road, 8:46 a.m. Pole down. Vehicle towed by Vincent’s.
1/6 Colby Street caller stated telephone pole was down behind her house on Post Road, 8:40 a.m. Con Ed on scene.
1/5 Caller stated man was sitting in white van for three hours and she was nervous, Theodore Fremd Avenue, 5:29 p.m. Area canvassed, one vehicle observed fitting description, legally parked, unoccupied with engine off.
1/5 Bark worse than bite. Sound Road complainant stated neighbor had dogs barking hours-a-day for months at a time. Warning given for unnecessary noise.
1/5 Marriott manager stated third party caller claimed drugs and guns were observed at loud party hotel room. All appeared in order with room in question.
1/4 Temporary flood barrier that’s been there for 8-10 years? Caller stated he hit something at side of roadway, Theodore Fremd Avenue.
1/4 Chestnut Street caller stated there appeared to be some kind of water main break nearby, flowing down storm drain. Suez contacted.
1/4 Wetmore Place caller stated she had donated vehicle to “cars for Veterans” and had yet to receive any paperwork for potential tax write-off. Was worried she had been scammed.
1/4 Class, if one vehicle was traveling 36 m.p.h. in 20 m.p.h. School Zone, how much over the speed limit was vehicle? “Eighty percent!” Warning issued.
1/3 Caller stated noise coming from area of Rye Marble was disturbing his family, Summit Avenue, 12:55 p.m. Parties advised of City Code.
1/2 These days, perhaps they were trying to do something <nice>. Anchor Drive caller reported someone had thrown toilet paper all over her property. She wanted to file report.
1/2 Caller stated erratic driver was headed southbound on BPR. GOA.
1/2 Caller stated his adult daughter was bitten by dog that was off its leash, Dearborn Avenue, 9:29 a.m. EMS dispatched. Did not wish to file report.
1/1 Caller reported packages were taken from her Midland Avenue property. She had Nest system.
1/1 Ryan Seacrest Syndrome. Spoke to Coolidge homeowner after noise complaint 3:12 a.m., told them to quiet down.